Tuesday, June 5, 2012

The WWE Has Many Of Their Top Talent On The Disable List

Randy Orton is serving a 60 days suspension for violating the Talent Wellness Program for a second time. His suspension begins today; he is due to return late July. Orton was scheduled to wrestle Chris Jericho at No Way Out, but Jericho is also serving 30 days suspension, after his desecration of the Brazilian flag during the South American tour this past weekend. This is a major blow to the WWE. They've lost a top babyface and a top heel all in the same week. The WWE has many of their top talent on the disable list, such as Wade Barrett, Ted Dibiase and Evan Bourne. Plus Rey Mysterio is not due back until late June. This brings up a huge question; is the WWE schedule too grueling, that it leads their superstars to substance abuse and/ or injuries?

Harrington Bayas


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