Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Tag Team Division

Hello Again Wrestling fans

The Tag Team division is apparently back, in the WWE.
The titles changed hands when The Usos defeated the New Age Outlaws on the March 3rd edition of Raw. The match was good, but in my opinion, the title change was too fast. At first, I was against the Outlaws having the titles. But after thinking about it for a while; the Outlaws were brought back to give credibility to the Tag Team titles. We haven’t seen good tag teams in a very long time. Yeah, sure there have been a couple of teams that looked good together, like Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow, The Prime Time Players and even Tons of Funk.  But they were quickly dismantled by the powers that be. The Outlaws are stars in the Tag Team division, and by them putting over younger talent, they can make new stars. Back in the days, guys like Arn Anderson &Tully Blanchard were doing this for years. They helped make top stars and if this is the direction the WWE is going, I am all for it.

Harrington Bayas


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