Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chavo Guerrero Jr. in Queens, New York

Hello again wrestling fans, my family and I just met Chavo Guerrero Jr. at the Wrestling Universe in Queens, New York, this was a fantastic event.  We had an awesome conversation with Chavo Guerrero, we asked him if he was going to TNA and if he liked the Kerwin White gimmick he once had in the WWE. I also told him that he needed to become the leader of “Mexican America” and he said we will see. I have attended many wrestling autograph events and I have to admit that the Wrestling Universe is the best, they give you ample time with each wrestler and we are treated like family when we are there. The staff at the store is very welcoming and I highly recommend the store for anything that pertains to wrestling. The first ever autograph session I attended was held by the Wrestling Universe, this is why I have preference for this store. I have met many wrestling legends like Superstar Billy Graham, Terry Funk, and Kevin Sullivan. They also bring current wrestlers’ like Rey Mysterio, Shelton Benjamin, and AJ Style. So if you are in the New York City area, make it your business to visit the store. 

-Harrington Bayas


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