Sunday, October 30, 2011

Comic Con 2011

So this year was the first time I've ever gone to New York's Comic Con. It was really fun. There were so many things to see. My personal favorite spot was the Artist Alley. I talked to so many artists. One in particular stood out to me because he was the creator of a comic I've never heard of named Super Pro K.O. It's an awesome manga about professional wrestling. I got to talk to Jarrett B. Williams about wrestling and art, two of my favorite things. If anyone wants to check out his stuff, here's a link, So anyways, I come across this small booth with WWE signs everywhere and I see Virgil and Ashley Massaro. I have to admit, Virgil was not the friendliest guy when fans just wanted a picture of him instead of paying for a picture with him. His prices were a little steep, for Virgil. Ashley Massaro on the other hand was a complete sweetheart. She introduced herself, asked for my name, I mentioned meeting her back in 2007 at the Virgin Megastore in Times Square for her Playboy signing, and we end up talking like we knew each from way back or something. She was awesome. She also mentioned doing some independent wrestling shows and thinking of heading back to TNA, so hopefully we'll be seeing her soon on Impact Wrestling. I am sad to say that I lost the opportunity to meet Raven and Jerry the King Lawler, twice. On that note, Comic Con was great and I can’t wait to go again. I wonder who will be at the WWE booth next year. We shall see

-Ernesto Heleno


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