Monday, June 6, 2011

Ernesto's view on WWE Tough Enough

I want to talk a little about WWE Tough Enough. At the beginning, I didn’t really see any of the competitors as my "favorite." I guess no one stood out to me, but towards the later episodes, they focused a lot on Martin, Luke, Jeremiah and Andy. Personally I always saw Andy as a WWE Star. He has that "look" that WWE loves to have on their roster, meaning big powerful guys. Most of the other 14 men and women were small quick guys. Andy and Eric were the only big guys in the competition. They kept Eric long enough, only because of his look, other than that, he sucked. So Andy stood out to me, in that sense. Martin showed so much improvement, it was guaranteed he'd be in the final two. His injury messed up that chance, but who knows; maybe we'll see him in the near future. Jeremiah showed potential with his charisma and athleticism, but he needed to pace himself. With a little more training, he can definitely make it in the WWE one day. Most likely, Luke will be the Tough Enough winner. His only fault is that he's too cocky and selfish to put others ‘over’. Other than that, he can most definitely be Tough Enough. So I believe Luke will win, but I think Andy still has a chance, if he can somehow outshine Luke. We'll see what happens tonight at the Season Finale of WWE Tough Enough.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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