Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday Night Raw is Predictable

Hello again wrestling fans. I don’t know about you guys, but the last episode of Monday Night Raw was a little predictable, not in the sense of in ring action, but the match making. As Raw began, we saw the crowning of the 2011 Tough Enough winner Andy Leavine (which if I may add, I had predicted) with the Chairman of the Board Vince McMahon
and Steve Austin in the Ring. As the segment continues R-Truth joined them wearing a Confederate Soldier costume, he was hilarious. R-Truth actually saved the first segment on Raw, because for the first time ever, I really felt Vince and Steve had no clue what was going to happen next. As Raw continues we saw R-Truth cut a racial based promo (in my opinion), on how he had to apologies for throwing a soda on a young fan and his father, the week before. He even goes as far as to say “I is a good R-Truth”. It was another classic racial WWE moment. Within moments The Miz, Alex Riley, and John Cena, entered the ring and I realized that main event was going to be a tag team match with a special guest referee. The segments on Raw are getting a little annoying; I mean really are we tuning in to watch wrestling or talking. This why I got a little excited when TNA announce that Wrestling Matters, this is why I am starting to watch more, but to my surprise I am seeing the same WWE or may we say WCW format. Why are forgetting that Wrestling is a sport not just entertainment, yeah the outcome is predetermine, but the in ring action is full of athleticism and excitement.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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