Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Captain Charisma is back

Last week’s, WWE Friday Night SmackDown ended wonderfully. Captain Charisma is back. Christian did exactly what I wanted him to do. He turned heel, not only striking Randy Orton with the World Championship belt, but he even left the ring with it. In my opinion, he deserves his chance at the top. I wasn’t happy Christian lost the title after win it five days earlier. I felt it was disrespectful to him. But it seems like it was the WWE's plan all along.  Was it really their plan or do they actually listen to the WWE Universe or even listened to me? SmackDown needed a top heel to go against Orton. All the main heels are on Raw. They even made Mark Henry turn against his fans in order to add more heels on SmackDown. I believe Christian can be a great World Champion. He can draw money. This whole Christian vs. Orton feud is the main reason why I've started to watch SmackDown. Move aside Randy Orton, you over-rated, fake Stone Cold Steve Austin. Christian will be taking over as the champ on SmackDown.

-Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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