Thursday, June 30, 2011

WWE Superstars

I never got the chance to watch WWE Superstars. Tonight was the first time I got to tune in since the original WWE Superstars, back in the 1990s. The first thing I noticed was the “Superstars”. I say “Superstars” because WWE does not promote them as "wrestlers" anymore. No John Cena. No Randy Orton. No CM Punk. No Miz. What I saw was a few good matches featuring Superstars like JTG, Chris Masters, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Gail Kim, etc. Basically anyone you don’t see on Raw or SmackDown. These guys are trying to make a name for themselves, at the bottom of the ladder. The main event was a six-man tag team match between Trent Barreta, Jimmy and Jey Uso vs. Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd. This match was definitely the best match of the show. The highlight of the match and the whole show itself was Trent Barreta giving Tyson Kidd a superplex, landing on top of the four other guys on the outside. It was very surprising to me because we only get to see spots like that on pay per views. Bottom line is that WWE has a lot of young faces who are the future of the business and they don’t know what to do with them. They want to push guys like Mason Ryan (the poor man's Batista) as the new young incredibly strong guy who can go toe to toe with guys like Kane and Big Show. Ezekiel Jackson's best move is a three body slams, thing that he does. To quote The Miz, Really?... Really?..... Really? This is why CM Punk said what he said on Monday Night Raw. There are guys in that locker room working their asses off to get to the top, but won’t get their chance because they're not big enough. This is why Shawn Michaels had this animosity against Vince McMahon. Shawn worked his ass off and made sure his match was the one to remember in order to get the respect he desired. All I’m saying is that WWE would rather push a no talent big guy over a hard working smaller guy. It’s ridiculous. On that note, I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen on Monday, when McMahon addresses CM Punk's shoot promo.

- Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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