Monday, June 27, 2011

The latest wrestling news

Chavo Guerrero
Hello again wrestling fans. The WWE and Chavo Guerrero have come to terms for his release. Chavo wrote on his twitter account “I asked for my release. I was just tired of not being used correctly.” I am disappointed and excited for him at the same time. He is a good wrestler that never received that big push he deserved. I only remember two major pushes he had; the first one was as Kerwin White and the second was when he was a member of “La Familia”. Chavo held many titles such as WCW & WWE Cruiserweight Championship, WCW & WWE Tag Team Championship, and the ECW World Championship. He is in an excellent position because there are two other wrestling companies that can benefit from his wrestling skills, Impact Wrestling and ROH. I can see him excel in ROH, rather than Impact Wrestling. If Chavo joins Impact Wrestling he will remain a mid card wrestler. During his final day Chavo was jobbing for the entire SmackDown roster, which is a shame, because he is a talented wrestler. Chavo states that he “will never go back to being underutilized and watching people who suck get a bigger pushes than me!”  I wish Chavo the best of luck and hope to see him at future wrestling event.

-Harrington Bayas                                                           
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