Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What’s next for the WWE

Monday night came and went and I am lost for words. First of all, I thought the WWE was going to fire John Cena, but that didn’t happen. Then I assumed that new WWE champion CM Punk was going to be there, and that didn’t happen. We come to find out that the WWE was going to hold a tournament to determined a new Champion on that night, and that didn’t happen (the tournament concludes on the next episode of Raw).  
What did happen was another shocking wrestling moment; Triple H took over the WWE. This was jaw dropping news; the future of wrestling is unknown. What I mean is there are many exciting angels that may come out of this story line. We can have two WWE champions that will meet to determine who the real world champion is. We can have Vince return with Punk on his side or we can have Vince become an announcer again, this is pretty lame. Vince can become an active manger and have a stable of men that will take on the WWE head on. I can definitely see CM Punk revamp the NEXUS with independent wrestlers and invade Raw, wait that’s been done before, you guys get what I mean, there are some many angels that can come out from last Monday night Raw and  Money in the Bank  PPV. We are always quick to judge the creative team of the WWE, but at the same time we should give them "pros" when they deserve it. These last couples of weeks have been awesome WWE television, capping it off with the best PPV in a long time. At first I thought having Vince step down was lame, but after analysis it, the angels that will come out from this story line are astronomical. This takes me back to the mid 90's, when wrestling was on predictable; I can’t wait for next Monday night.

–Harrington Bayas
–The wrestling Fans Review
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