Thursday, July 14, 2011

John Cena is a Dynasty?

John Cena

Ok that’s it! I can’t take it anymore, Cena you did it; you turned me into a Cena hater. I had admired you and all that you have accomplished in your career, but last Monday night on Raw, I lost total respect for you. I cannot believe you attacked CM Punk after he called you a New York Yankee, you should be honor and proud to be mention or even compared to true dynasties like the Yankees. You have made a mockery of the WWE Heavyweight Championship by turning it into a spin title for children.  You have become our modern ear Hulk Hogan, but the one major difference is that Hogan commanded respect in every match he had. Hogan had followers from every age group, not just the little “Jimmies”. He took on giants and made us believe they stood NO chance against him. Hogan over came all odds to become a legend in this sport, yes I said, sport. Now we see a Mark Wahlberg look alike on our television sets every Monday night, I can’t stand it. In efforts to make John Cena into a credible champion, the WWE is having one of the best wrestlers lose to him in his own home town. This story line should make Cena look as the better man, but in reality Punk is taking it to the next level. If CM Punk decides to enter another wrestling company, he will take many of the WWE fans with him, including yours truly, but if he returns to the WWE his future looks brighter than ever.

–Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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