Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Impact Wrestling (06/30/2011)

Hello again wrestling fans. I was watching Impact Wrestling and I can’t believe that Sting was transformed into “The Joker”. His imitation is fine, but why is Impact wrestling turning an iconic figure like Sting into a crazed clown. Apparently Sting wants to bring out the old Hulk Hogan, by having him take his vitamins on national television. In my opinion the best match was the triple threat match between Lowki, Jimmy Wang, and Matt Bentley. This match had many high spot and we even saw a “Flying Elvis”. Lowki came out on top, after hitting the “Warrior’s Way” off the top rope and pining Bentley. This match shows that Impact Wrestling is taking serious their new slogan “wrestling matter”. The six person elimination match between the Knockouts was good and the ring was full of eye candy, except Winter, she is the worst looking Knockout. Mickie James came out on top after out lasting Ms. Tessmacher (HOTTEST), Madison Rayne (Ok Hot), Tara (MLIF), Angelina Love (HOT) and Winter. The main event match was Scott Steiner vs. Sting. Sting gain the win over Steiner after hitting the “Scorpion Death Drop”. Bully Ray, the Impact Champion Mr. Anderson and Hulk Hogan took turns attacking Sting after the match. Finally Kurt Angle came out to save Sting; wow it’s hard to keep up who’s whipping Sting.

Angelina Love 
Mickie James 



Madison Rayne 
Ms. Tessmacher 

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