Thursday, July 21, 2011

Mr. Anderson is truly an A**hole

Mr. Anderson
Mr. Anderson lost the Impact Wrestling Championship title last week to Sting, due to outside interference, by Kurt Angel. Anderson held title for only one month, why you may ask, I’ll tell you, in my opinion this guy doesn’t have the drive or heart for this business. I know that in the past I have written highly about him, but after seeing the way Impact Wrestling’s “creative team” has changed Anderson persona in so many different ways, makes me sick. What is really funny, he is allowing this to happen. He was interviewed by Sarika Jagtianti a staff writer for the Dover Post, and was asked “How long would you like to keep at it?” He answer “If I’m still doing this five years from now, please shoot me”, can you guys believe this. Anderson is in a position that many wrestlers will kill for and he is sh**ty all over it. He continues by stating “I love the wrestling business … but it doesn’t define me”, what does this even mean. Lou Thesz is rolling in his grave right now. Then he tries to justify his answer by saying “after 13 years of taking abuse I have aches and pains..” what a piece of work, the man right now is a top superstar in Impact Wrestling, while guys who love the wrestling, like Zack Ryder can’t even get on national TV. They later ask Anderson “what would you like do in the future?” and his answer was an actor, “I’d like to transition into movies TV, maybe some behind-the-scenes stuff here at TNA”. I guess I was totally wrong about this guy, I truly believe he was the future of Impact Wrestling, but he is only another wrestler who is out there to make a name for himself in order to enter Hollywood, who does this guy sounds like? Can anyone say Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson? In order to explain what wrestling means to me I will quote Jim Cornette; wrestling is “unique American art form”, this is passion, something Mr. Anderson apparently knows nothing about.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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