Sunday, July 10, 2011

Impact Wrestling (07/07/2011) part two

Everyone was talking about the match between RVD, AJ Style, Jerry Lynn and Christopher Daniels, don’t get me wrong this match was excellent, but you can see that Lynn and RVD are getting up there in age. They didn’t move as fast as they use to. Daniels and Style stole the whole F**king show. The “Rolling Thunder” from RVD looked a little sloppy, but it brought me back to the ECW days. RVD won this match. Now the match that stole their spot light was the triple threat match between Jack Evans, Anthony Nese, and Jessie Sorensen. This match was full of high flying action and with so many moves that I haven’t seen before. Jack Evans won this math by hitting 630 senton. This was X Division at its glory, and what can bring Impact Wrestling to new heights.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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