Monday, April 9, 2012

This Week in Wrestling (April 7, 2012)

Chris Jericho had a drink with the straight-edge superstar, CM Punk. After Punk lost his match against the World Strongest Man Mark Henry via count out, Jericho attacks him
and pours what appeared to be a bottle of Whiskey on Punk's face. Jericho doesn’t stop there; he then hits Punk with another bottle of Whiskey. This was a waste of not only one, but two perfectly good bottles of Whiskey. Get ready fans because we are witnessing the beginning of one of the greatest wrestling feuds of this year.

John Cena’s week started off with a huge loss to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and ended with a huge F5 heard around the world delivered by “The Next Big Thing” Brock Lesnar. This will be another huge feud for Cena, but what is bothering me is that Brock Lesnar has horrible “Mic” skills. A great idea will be to bring back his mouth piece, Paul Heyman; this will make a huge impact on this storyline. But I'm expecting too much from the WWE, we will probably get Sable instead, which isn’t half bad. She still looks good.

We saw the debut of Lord Tensai or for those who were around during the Attitude Era; we saw the return of Prince Albert or even A-Train. Tensai was a former Intercontinental Champion and was one of the hairiest men I have ever seen. What I got out of this squash match wasn’t that Albert, sorry I mean Tensai, is a monster, it was that Alex Riley is a jobber now? I thought the WWE believed Riley was an up-and-coming babyface that can be champion. I guess the WWE changed their minds. I loved his entrance attire. It reminded me of the Great Muta, and he even had some type of mist that he sprayed at Riley. That was the coolest spot of the match.

Harrington Bayas


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