Monday, April 16, 2012

Is Daniel Bryan Getting Over? Yes, Yes, Yes!

Hello wrestling fans, I just wanted to talk a little bit about Daniel Bryan getting over with the fans. After WrestleMania 28, Bryan had a huge pop on Raw Super Show but as for Sheamus,
a lot of boos. I really don’t think WWE intended on Bryan getting over with the fans as much as he did. I do believe it is because of the 18 seconds loss to Sheamus. I believe WWE thought Sheamus would look so much powerful and tougher by beating Bryan so easily. Honestly, I think it killed the character. First off, they keep making Sheamus look like such a good hearted Irishmen in his promos and it’s hard to see him that way. Yes, he still is a beast in the ring but that win at WrestleMania was his downfall. The fact that Bryan was screwed over by WWE, making him look like a wife beating coward and losing his title so quickly, made the fans support him so much more. He's such a great technical wrestler and his chant became a huge pop. I just hope they fix all this chaos. They really need to push Bryan a little more and in a more profound manner. They also need to make Sheamus look a little more tougher and rougher. In the ring, he's fine but I mean with his promos. On that note, I can’t wait for Raw Super Show tonight. YES! YES! YES!

Ernesto Heleno Jr.


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