Monday, April 23, 2012

This Week In Wrestling (April 21, 2012)

On Impact Wrestling, we saw the TNA World Champion Bobby Roode, sporting a new haircut and gloats about his victory over his former tag team partner James Storm, at Lock Down. In mid promo Mr. Anderson interrupts the champ
; the Asshole wants a shot at the champ. Later on Jeff Hardy enters the ring and he believes he deserves a title shot. Hulk Hogan makes a number one contender match for the world title, but later swerves everyone and makes it a triple threat match, and puts RVD in the match. Yes folks, you guessed it RVD won the match, Hogan always screws someone over.

Garrett Bischoff and his entire team at Lock Down hit the ring. He began to gloat over his win over his "old man". Why are these top wrestlers kissing the ass of a guy that can't even wrestle, Style your ten times better them him, you don't need to "put him over". By the way did anyone see what Christy Hemme was wearing? god that is a hot ring announcer. On that note of hot ladies, Velvet Sky gave us her world famous ring entrance once again and I gave her a standing ovation, if you know what I'm saying.

All of the TNA Champions hit the ring for that huge announcement that the GM Hulk Hogan had for them. Hey what happen to our Knockout tag champs, they were missing. Hogan announced that there will be an Open fight Night each month, which means that once a month anyone can challenge anyone and the titles may be on line during this night. Hogan also states that the Television Champion will defend his title every single night on TV and that TNA will have unknown talent wrestle for a TNA contract. This all means that we will see Devon wrestle every show, sad for us and that we may see new Superstars called up from OVW, me be a plus for us.

I hate to say this overall Impact was better than Raw.

Harrington Bayas


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