Sunday, February 26, 2012

Extreme Reunion

ECW,ECW, ECW, those are the words that a crowed full of energy chanted, while the new genre of wrestling was on displayed in a squared circle at the ECW arena, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now “The Franchise” Shane Douglas proclaims that the age of “PG” will be over and that there will be a “rebirth of Hardcore” on April 28, 2012.  The show is called Extreme Reunion, and yes we will see the original roster from the early 90’s, but Douglas wants to make everyone aware that there will also be younger talent that will be in the spotlight on that night. Douglas states that there “mindset is to re-launch the brand”, because it will benefit the industry.  During an interview I heard on Wrestling Epicenter, Douglas called the attempts made by WWE and TNA, to give the fans the ECW style were “poor piss” version. He was very vocal on the fact that TNA didn’t pay the ECW originals proper wages to compete during that storyline.  After Douglas rejected the offer that TNA gave him, he came back with a counteroffer that he will work for free if they made a donation to Wounded Warriors and they gave him “Dick Flair”, in the main event of the PPV, obviously this never happened.   On a personal note I can wait to see, what “The Franchise” can come up with, and wish him the best in this venture.  

Harrington Bayas


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