Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Raw Super Show (February 7, 2012)

Hello wrestling fans. After watching Raw Super Show, I had a few thoughts I wanted to express. I'm already tired of the whole Kane, Cena, Ryder and Eve situation. It's border-line soap opera. Zack Ryder and Eve being "boyfriend/girlfriend" is just dumb but hopefully Ryder makes his return soon and wins back his U.S. championship. The only way I see the "embrace the hate" angle working out is with John Cena defeating Kane in the "Ambulance Match," which ends that feud and eventually makes Cena turn heel for the WrestleMania match against The Rock. Honestly, I really don’t care for that match. I was never excited for a Rock/Cena match, not even when it was announced last year, after WrestleMania 27. The Rock sold out to become a "movie star" and truthfully, I'll be cheering for John Cena. Speaking of "truth", what the hell was Miz thinking when he let R-Truth just fall flat on his back from the ring to the outside floor? If Truth is seriously injured, it could jeopardize his career and it would definitely be The Miz's fault. Not cool. I must admit, I’m more excited to see the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Championship than for the World Heavyweight Championship. Simply because, for some reason The Great Khali is in the Chamber match. Khali is just an example of what I like to call a "monster gimmick." Big monster guys who are there to be unstoppable, which is lame and boring, in my opinion. I am excited to see the Lionheart, Y2J, The Best in the World at what he does, Chris Jericho become WWE champion. I said in a past article how CM Punk might be the best since HBK and Jericho are gone, but that same day, Jericho returns to Raw. Jericho's speech last night was perfect and he has the history of accomplishments to back it up. CM Punk definitely stole the "Best in the World" phrase and Jericho will show him, who's the best. Y2J! Y2J! Y2J! Lastly, I'm sure that Triple H will eventually accept the Undertaker's challenge at WrestleMania. It just goes to show that Undertaker has no more worthy opponents for WrestleMania and I’m sorry to say, it'll never be as great of a match as the ones Taker had with Mr. WrestleMania himself, Shawn Michaels.

Ernesto Helen Jr.


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