Monday, February 20, 2012

The Innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer Invades NYC

Hello again, wrestling fans. I attended an autograph signing that featured the innovator of Violence Tommy Dreamer, at the Wrestling Universe. Dreamer gave me great conversation and looked a lot taller in person then as seen on television. We spoke about the trade the Yankees made this past Friday which shipped out AJ Burnett to the Pittsburgh Pirates and how the Yanks will pay $20 million of the $33 million left on his contract. I never knew he was a huge Yankee fan, but what can you expect out of a Yonkers native. Overall, I had a good time, and the two autograph items will be a great addition to my collection. Until next time, see you on the lines.

Editor’s note, I have no idea why I gave the camera person that look.

Harrington Bayas


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