Sunday, February 12, 2012

Chris Jericho Is The Best In The World At What He Does

Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho ended Raw with a bang, gaining a victory over the WWE Champion CM Punk. After the match Jericho then mocked him by sitting in Punk’s traditional Indian style pose and holding the WWE title on his shoulder. Earlier in the show he came clean by telling the fans the main reason for returning to wrestling. Jericho called out all of the wrestlers that were stealing his gimmick, specially “The Best in the World” CM Punk. CM Punk responded by mocking Jericho and not uttering a word.  I don’t like to toot my own horn, but toot, toot, I wrote about this same story line a couple of weeks ago and I guess someone has a future in the WWE creative team, lol. In my opinion Jericho is back in the WWE to put over the younger talent, so look for exciting matches on the Chamber PPV and WrestleMania 28.  

Harrington Bayas


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