Wednesday, February 29, 2012

John Cena's Come Back For The Rock

Last night The Rock made his return to Raw, he began to cut one of the longest promo that I have ever heard. It was about 11:00 pm when he finally graced us with his presence, and he began rambling on & on about what was trending worldwide, who gives a flying fuck.  Don't get me wrong I am a huge Rock fan and I know for a fact he is going to carry the entire match at WrestleMania 28, but I was expecting a lot more, from him. Maybe my expectations were a bit high, for a guy who has been out of the wrestling business for over seven years. But he is, The Rock, "The People's Champion", “The Great One”, "The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment", so he says. Finally John Cena comes in, and I hate to say this, he saved the segment. Cena went in hard on the Rock. He called him out on writing notes on his wrists for this promo, how great was that?  Then he left the Rock mumbling in the middle of the squared circle. You can chalk up another win in the war of words for Cena. The week before, Cena, called The Rock a “Champion with people” and told the crowd that only “reason he came back in the first place was to promote Fast Five and launch his Twitter account”. The Rock sounds like he is slipping, he better kick it into high gear, because Cena is killing him on the mic.

Harrington Bayas


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