Thursday, June 16, 2011

Why is The Miz being missed used?

The Miz competed in a match with the Hall of Famer, the legend, the Icon, Rowdy Roddy Piper last Monday night on Raw. The special guest referee was Alex Riley of course, and they put up “five thousand dollars of their own money” for whom ever wins the match. Piper won the match with the help of Alex Riley, but this makes the Miz look like a punk A** B***h. Don’t get me wrong the match was little entertaining, but how is this lost going to help the image of their top heel’s on Raw. Once CM Punk leaves for his sabbatical, who’s going fill his shoes, The Miz, that’s who. Alberto Del Rio has his hands full with the Mid-carders. R-Truth, Come on, if he wins the title at Capital Punishment I will lose total respect for the WWE World Title. Dolph Ziggler and Drew Mcintyre are young guys that I don’t think can carry the WWE title, for the moment. Jack Swagger had his chances, but he blew it, I like Jack but for the moment he has a lot to prove. We also have a young superstar that is gaining popularity via his YouTube channel, his name is Zack Ryder, but first he has to be seen on Raw, before we can put him on the list for the title. It all comes down to one man and his name is The Miz, so having him look like a fool will end up hurting the WWE. We would like to hear from you, leave us a comment on the blog or on our facebook account.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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