Saturday, June 18, 2011

Woo Woo Woo You Know It Bro!

Wow, I consider myself a true wrestling fan and I can’t believe that haven’t notice this guy that has so much charisma, yes bro, I am talking about none other than Zack Ryder. The Woo Woo Woo Kid is a hit on the internet and rightfully so he proclaimed himself the Internet Champion. Why isn’t the WWE getting the picture? The fans want him on TV, but the WWE never gives the fans what they want. Prime example I was excited when John Cena was drafted to SmackDown and then at the end of the night he is drafted back to Raw. There are dozens of sign with his name on it all over Monday night Raw, but Zack Ryder doesn’t get any air time.  Everyone may remember Zack Ryder as part of the Major Brothers, that time is over now we are dealing with a rookie star that is ready to break into main event.  He has held the WWE Tag Team Championship with then partner Curt Hawkins, but now he isn’t even seen on WWE TV. What do we have to do here, should we camp out in front of the WWE headquarters, do we riot, or should we all write nasty emails to the WWE writers? Give this kid a break, I ashore you that he will not disappoint you. Last Monday night in Long Island, New York, Zack Ryder wrestled and gained a victory over his former partner Primo, this match can be viewed on  The writers were scare to use Zack Ryder on Raw that night because the fans will cheer for him rather than the wrestler the writers are pushing. Zack is a native New Yorker so I am cheering for him and when you see his YouTube channel you’ll become an instant broskis, so take care, spike your hair, woo woo woo you know it bro! 

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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