Thursday, June 30, 2011

I would like to play a game I like to call ‘Book the Show’.

Punk would go ‘over’ on Cena and win the title at Money in the Bank. We wouldn’t see him live at the arena the next night on Raw, but I would air a video showing him boarding an airplane on route to Orlando, Florida. The following week I would have Vince McMahon explain that in the contract they both signed states that while champion, he is required to wrestle and defend the title, in the WWE. Punk would be obligated to wrestle until he loses the title, the feud between Cena will continue. The main event match for SummerSlam would be Punk vs. Cena with a special guest referrer, The Rock. The Rock would aide Punk to win this match, setting up something for WrestleMania 28. Let us know, how you would ‘book the Show’ on the blog site or on our facebook account.


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