Sunday, January 8, 2012

Y2J is Back in the WWE

Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho made his return to the WWE last Monday night in front of a massive cheering crowd. The crowd went berserk as soon as they saw a figure in the dark with a lighted up jacket in a crucifix position. Jericho and the WWE are brilliant; they made an enormous impact without saying one word. It really wasn’t a huge surprise to anyone, because all of the cryptic videos pointed to his return. It was amazing how a great wrestler or should I say a veteran wrestler can turn a crowd from cheering to booing without talking. I must admit that at first I didn’t have a clue what he was doing, but once he made his way to the top of the entrance ramp very thing became clear, one of the greatest heels of all time has played with the fans emotions. The cocky six time World Champion is back to reclaim what is his, which is his persona and his catch phrase.  According to Chris Jericho, everyone in the WWE is stealing his gimmick, from The Miz to CM Punk.

There are many different angles the WWE can do with Jericho, here some of the ones I would like to see. Chris Jericho can enter the 30 men Royal Rumble match and win his shot at the WWE Heavyweight Championship against “The Best in the World”.  Another angle is for him to attempt to break The Undertaker’s WrestleMania winning streak, but I really can’t see this happening for this upcoming WrestleMania. The Rock is the focal point this year, and adding another huge main event will take away from his spot light. I can see him rekindle his feud with Randy Orton (when Orton is healthy), if you remember Orton hit him with a punt kick, during the last match Jericho had on Raw. I do believe Stephanie McMahon will return to aid him in his quest for the WWE Championship.  There so many angles the WWE can do with Jericho, I just hope they don’t drop the ball, like they have done this past year.  

Harrington Bayas


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