Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Are you serious bro! WWE doesn’t have any faith in the Ryder revolution

Zack Ryder

So, my bro, Zack Ryder lost the WWE United States Championship title to Jack Swagger on Raw this past Monday, are you serious bro! Ryder didn’t even hold that title for one month; I guess the WWE doesn’t have any faith in the Ryder revolution. I saw it coming, once they started to pair him up with Eve Torres.  I can see him becoming the guy that tags with the Divas on Raw, you remember him; his name is Santino Morella, look at where he is now. The fact that Ryder has a lot of social media followers isn’t enough for the WWE creative team to keep a title on him. I just really hope the WWE keeps him on TV. This is a double edge sword for me, because I am also pleased that Swagger is getting another shot to be a champion, this guy is a natural born athlete! 

Harrington Bayas


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