Monday, January 2, 2012

What Does the Future Hold for Brock Lesnar?

Brock Lesnar vs. Alistair Overeem
Sable & Brock Lesnar

Former WWE Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar lost his third Mix Martial Art (MMA) fight, in the UFC against Alistair Overeem. Overeem is one of the biggest men I have ever seen.  Overeem hit Lesnar with a couple of knees to the body and then landed a huge kick to the abdomen, which drop Lesnar and left him unable to continue. Many of his other fights have ended in the same fashion. Frank Mir defeated Lesnar with a Kneebar that forced him to submit. Brock Lesnar suffered his second lost via a TKO, when Cain Velasquez caught him with a straight right that opened a gash on his cheek and again Lesnar could not defend himself. All of Brooke Lesnar losses have come in the first round and in my opinion proves that he has not fully recovered from his battle of mononucleosis. Brock promised his family that he will retire once he captures the UFC Heavyweight Championship, and to do so he needed to defeat Overeem. Lesnar lost this match and has publicly announced his retirement; he has accomplished a lot in such a short MMA career.

Bobby Lashely
This brings up many questions about Lesnar’s career, but there is one that interest me the most, which is why do pro wrestlers believe that they can make that transition from wrestling to MMA. Bobby Lashely and Batista have left the WWE to pursue careers in MMA. Bobby Lashely has an MMA record of seven wins and one loss, and to be honest I have never seen any of his fights, so I can’t really judge him. Batista has not been able get a fight in any promotion. Other wrestler’s that have been heard wanting to enter the octagon are Tara and Kurt Angle. Tara in my opinion is the only one that has actually come to her senesces. She has stated “realistically I’m forty, if I would have started this maybe, when I turned thirty, I think I could be ahead of the game and be in the mix”. These are words of a person that has realized she is a sport entertainer. I do not doubt their athletic ability, because I am a huge wrestling fan, but in wrestling the outcome is predetermine before the match starts. In MMA two men or women enter the cage and they beat them self senesces less until there is a clear cut winner. There is blood and amazing knockouts. In my opinion many of these wrestlers believe the hype that the WWE and/or TNA have built for them. I am not saying that they can’t take out an average guy (that is writing shit on a blog site) on the street, but the MMA competitors have been practicing the arts for years and that is what gives them an edge over pro wrestlers.

The second question that comes to mind is will he return to the WWE? It wouldn’t surprise me if he makes his return in a future WrestleMania to face The Undertaker. I can’t see him making his return on WrestleMania 28, the WWE is smarter than that, and they wouldn’t have two giant main events on one card. Third question is will he wrestle on a full time bases? I truly believe he will not, because Lesnar has made it clear that he never liked the traveling aspect of the business and besides what type of impact will he make in the world of wrestling, today. He is older and obviously has not fully recovered from his illness. In my opinion the WWE should stick to what they are doing right now, which is focusing on the younger talent. All of the Champions right now are younger and the future of business. Don’t get me wrong I am an old school guy. I have seen guys like Booker T, Jerry Lawler and Brock Lesnar himself in their prime; I hate to see them hold on to something that is not really there. I saw Jerry Lawler in a house show in New York City, and he looked slow in the ring, he can still entertain us, but it is because he takes us to our childhood. Brock Lesnar a great sports entertainer and in world of wrestling you never say never, so we may see him back in the ring sooner then we think.

Harrington Bayas


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