Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Truth will set you free

R- Truth

R-truth is the new heel in town. Are we really going take this guy seriously? I don't know. Once again I think the WWE drop the ball, with a wrestler that showed potential. When R-Truth was in TNA, he wrote a rap disrespecting the WWE and its heavyweight champion, it aired on YouTube. If R-Truth would had entered the WWE with that attitude and attacked the champion, both of their careers would have been different. John Cena may have been viewed as a creditable champion that would turn into “The Doctor of Thuganomics” when he needed to. He showed a glimpse of his thug ways, on ECW One Night stand, when he took on Rob Van Dam. Even though he was booed during the entire match, he showed a mean strict. R-truth would have been viewed as a bad ass that came from TNA, to take on the champion, a straight out thug. You have to understand that R-Truth is a former NWA world champion and he even held the WWF hardcore championship in his first run in the WWE. Even with all those championship, the WWE doesn’t view R-Truth as a main event wrestler. Now they have R-Truth talking to himself like a crazy’s man, they should go back to his rapping ways, in TNA, and then we may take R-Truth seriously.

-written by Harrington Bayas
-Brought to by The Wrestling Fans Review
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