Saturday, May 14, 2011

The votes are in and our fans have spoken

Who should be John Cena next opponent?

Alberto Del Rio

That was the question I asked a couple of weeks ago, and the fans response was Alberto Del Rio with 57% of the votes. The WWE has it all wrong.  The fans don’t want to see The Miz vs. Cena; they want Alberto Del Rio in the main event match at Over the Limit. The Miz and CM punk had 42% of the fans votes, in our poll. The Miz popularity with the fans and main stream media, will keep him in the spot light for a while. Alberto will feud with Rey Mysterio and I don’t see him getting a title shot until a couple of month from now, hopefully at SummerSlam.

Dos Caras Jr.
A lberto Del Rio genetics are what make him so great. He comes from a wrestling family that achieved greatness in Mexico. His father was Dos Caras; his uncles are Mil Máscaras and El Sicodélico. In Mexico, Alberto wrestled as Dos Cara Jr. and became a top superstar in Mexico. He captured the CMLL World Heavyweight Championship in 2007, by defeating Universo 2000. I really believe that he will become World Champion sooner than anyone expects.  The WWE is in need of a top heel and Alberto Del Rio fit the part perfect. Do we really want to see R-Truth carry the WWE Heavyweight Championship, I don’t think so.

Dos Caras, Mil Máscaras and El Sicodélico

Dos Caras Jr.


-Written by Harrington Bayas
-Brought to you by The Wrestling Fans Review
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