Saturday, May 14, 2011

Christian should bring back "Captain Charisma"

I just wanted to talk a little about last Friday Night SmackDown. It was actually a pretty good show. The WWE still needs a big heel to go against the main baby face, Randy Orton. With that being said, I truly believe and I'm wishing that Christian brings back his "Captain Charisma" character and become SmackDown main heel. I was praying that Christian would turn his back on Orton at the end of their tag team match against Mark Henry and Sheamus. I was disappointed that he didn’t. I was also really disappointed that Christian lost the title after his victory at Extreme Rules. For some reason Orton is a big deal. Christian has worked his ass off to get where he got and they decide to let Orton carry the title. That's just ridiculous. I believe it's Christian's time. Yes I am a “Peeps”.

Sin Cara

On the other hand, I think the match between Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan was the best match of the night. Even though his finisher is a rip-off of The S.A.T's (Spanish Announce Team) "Spanish Fly", everyone seems to love it but any wrestling fan who follows the Indy scene would know that. The match was still awesome with Bryan showing some more intensity, playing the "heel" in the match and making Sin Cara look good. Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase had a good match as well. I like the "Dashing Cody Rhodes" persona better, but I'm digging his "Deformed Cody Rhodes" character. I think it's hilarious.

The Corre

The Corre was better when they were Nexus, but keeping The Corre as a trio with Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater makes more sense to me and it just looks better. Ezekiel Jackson being part of The Corre kind of made no sense. So like I mentioned earlier, SmackDown needs a top heel. Sheamus and Mark Henry are good heels, but as "top heel," I don’t think they can draw money like Randy Orton vs. Christian. So please Christian, bring back “Captain Charisma” and throw Orton off his high horse.

-Written by Ernesto Heleno Jr.
-Brought to you by The Wrestling Fans Review
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