Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Miz Part Two

The Miz

Let’s discuss how the WWE is putting one of the best wrestlers they have on their roster, back to Mid-Card status. Yes, people I am talking about the Miz, and if you don’t believe me, just watch the I Quit match at Over the Limit. I was a witness to the birth of a great new heel. I know the outcome of the match didn’t go the way the Miz wanted, but what he did during the match proved that the Miz is a force to be wrecking with. I’m Marking Out, yes I am. During the match The Miz grabbed the mic and asked a young John Cena fan to tell his idol to quit, it was awesome. The boy looked like he was going to breakdown into tears over the punishment the Miz, gave Cena. He showed the world a side of him that should be on display in every match he has from now on. His aggression, ruthlessness and his in-ring savvy will take this young super star to the top of sports entertainment. On Monday Night Raw we saw Alex Riley turn on the Miz. I can’t see how having these two young wrestler feud benefit one another. On the other hand capturing wins over veterans like CM Punk or Christian, can benefit Alex Riley. The Miz is not at that level of those veteran wrestlers, he is still new to this sport, but I can still see him in the mix for the WWE title.  

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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