Monday, January 23, 2012

Edge is on his way to the WWE Hall of Fame

So I decided I wanted to talk a little bit about the WWE Hall of Fame 2012 inductee, Edge. I've always been a fan of Edge from debut to his last match in WrestleMania 27. His vignettes and his entrance were so cool to me. I remember his first televised debut match against Jose Estrada Jr. where he did a somersault over the top rope to the outside and knocked Estrada out. He later joined The Brood with Gangrel and his "brother," Christian. The Brood's entrance is definitely one of my favorite entrances ever, with the ring of fire and Gangrel's song. It was awesome. But once, he and Christian joined together as just a tag team, I became a bigger fan. They both had so much charisma and were so funny. The original TLC matches against The Dudley Boys and The Hardy Boys were unforgettable and legendary. He's accomplished so much throughout his career. Edge list of championships include 14 times Tag Team Champion, U.S. Champion, 5 times Intercontinental Champion, and 11 times WWE/World Heavyweight Champion. He's the 14th "Triple Crown" champion, Royal Rumble, Money in the Bank, King of the Ring, and Slammy Award winner. There is no doubt that he's one of the greats of our generation. I was truly surprised and sad he had to retire but I must admit that his induction to the Hall of Fame is a little premature. I do believe he's a legend in his own right, but for Edge to be inducted before legends like Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts, Owen Hart, The British Bulldogs, and of course someone who I would say is one of the most iconic superstars ever, Macho Man Randy Savage. I must say it’s an insult to not only Savage, but to all the legends that got "swept under the rug" by WWE. No matter what, I've always been a fan of Edge, he deserves his place in the Hall of Fame and I'm happy he's inducted.
Edge & Christian
Ernesto Heleno Jr.


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