Monday, September 5, 2011

Imaginary Brass Rings

CM Punk

Hello wrestling fans. Today I am going to talk about "imaginary brass rings," which is a quote from CM Punk's memorable shoot promo on WWE Raw on June 27th, 2011. The phrase stuck out to me. I started to analyze it and realized that the WWE likes to give out a lot of "imaginary brass rings." It's quite obvious too. We have a high flying legend like Rey Mysterio have probably the three shortest WWE/World Championship title reigns in the history of the WWE. There's The Miz, who is already talking live on Raw saying that he's in the "back burner" of the WWE when he is the most "must-see" WWE Superstar. Jack Swagger is a former two times World Champion and they're not really doing anything with him. The whole Vickie Guerrero thing just started, so we'll see what happens. Sheamus is such a great character, former WWE Champion and now he's a babyface. Which is surprising but so far it works. I’m curious to see what’s in cmstore for Sheamus. And there's many more, but I guess Christian said it best on WWE Super SmackDown. He said something like "I don’t need the World Championship. My peeps already know I'm awesome." Back in the 80s when Hulk Hogan was king of WWE, guys like Jake “the Snake” Roberts, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka, etc. didn’t need a championship to get over with the fans. It’s the same as today, it’s just different. We live in a world full of materialistic egos, and the way to be the top guy in WWE is to be the WWE/World Champion. I once posted on the WWE Facebook page how "the championship doesn’t mean shit anymore, anyone could be champion, and the new belts look like crap," and what do they do? They delete my post. Bottom line is that the WWE does not know talent. CM Punk shitted on John Laurinaitis because they don’t know what a talented wrestler (not superstar) is. They care more about the look, then the actual skills. Another thing, to be honest, I don’t believe anyone should become champion after being in the WWE for less than a couple of years. You have to earn the championships. Look at the guys who have become champion in their short time in WWE, Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Great Khali, etc. and now Alberto Del Rio. Am I happy that he's champion, yes but I know he's only carrying the belt for now, until Cena wins it back. That’s what it means to have the "imaginary brass ring." It means you're carrying the belt until we give it back to one of the top guys and make them 147th time WWE Champion. Of course I’m exaggerating but you get what I mean. WWE's creative team needs to step it up.

- Ernesto Heleno Jr
-The Wrestling Fans Review


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