Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pompous Under Size Internet Darling

Triple H & CM Punk
The last segment on Raw was the final face to face show down between Triple H and CM Punk. They had an awesome promo. Let’s be cleared, this is a work shoot that is going to put asses in the arena seats and of course higher PPV buy rates. The firing of Kevin Nash is also a work, because he signed a legends contract earlier in the year. They both went in hard, talking about past offences that occurred behind the sense. Punk called out Triple H & Vince, on the fact they believe that only body builders should be in wrestling and how the WWE is considered the “Land of the Giants”. Triple H also confesses that he believed that John Cena didn’t have “anything to offer this business” earlier in his career.  As CM Punk begins to drop the “pipe Bomb” on Triple H, his microphone gets cut off, after the second attempt to speak on another mic Punk Lays him out. The fact is that the WWE is winning back the older fans with this new story line, in which we will probably see Nash interfere in the match on Night of Champions. This outcome will keep us, the fans, interested in the new product. 

CM Punk vs. Triple H 

-Harrington Bayas 
-The Wrestling Fans Review


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