Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Dolph Ziggler is the Perfection

Dolph Ziggler won a WWE Championship title match, which will be the main event on the first edition of Raw for 2012. This proves that WWE is pushing the younger talent rather than trying to push the veterans down our throat. I really don’t care how he won the match; the only thing that matters is that Ziggler is getting an opportunity. Besides, he has proved himself as an outstanding athlete by pulling double duties on a major PPV. I can honestly say that he will win one of the two top championship titles sometime next year, after WrestleMania 28 most likely. WWE has teased the fans concerning a change to the look of the WWE Championship for weeks now, and I hope that Ziggler will inspire them to do so when he wins his first WWE Heavyweight Championship title. I can really see Ziggler becoming one of the top wrestlers in the WWE.

On a side note: We saw Dolph Ziggler in action against the United States Champion Zack Ryder, Ziggler gave the MSG crowd an A+ performance. 

-Harrington Bayas


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