Monday, December 12, 2011

This Week in wrestling for December 11, 2011

Monday night Raw started off with Mr. Excitement himself John Laurinaitis making four main event matches to determine who will face the WWE Heavyweight Champion, CM Punk in the TLC PPV. The first match made was Randy Orton vs. The Miz. In my opinion this match was good. I still can’t believe they will not give a clean victory to one of the best heels the WWE have on their roster. The second match was Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan; this was also a good match. This match “finish” actually made Del Rio look good, I guess the WWE is tired of making Del Rio look, like a loser. Dolph Ziggler takes on “The Great White” Sheamus, chuck up another A+ match under Ziggler’s belt. Zack Ryder caused Ziggler the match, and to add insult to injury Ryder hits him with the “Rough Ride”, Woo Woo Woo, you know it.

Zack Ryder is challenging Dolph Ziggler for the US Title, after John Cena gave up his world title shot, which he won by defeating Zack Ryder. This was the fourth and final match to determine the number one contenders for the WWE Heavyweight Championship title. John Cena took on Ryder in a match that I thought was under rated by the fans. The crowd was into this match and they were cheering for their personal favorite, I feel that Ryder proved he is ready to be in the main event.  Ryder still lost, but he is still getting TV time, Woo Woo Woo, You Know It.

Booker T is making a comeback. The five times, five time, five time, five time, five time, WCW world champion is going to take on Cody Rhodes, in the TLC PPV. Cody Rhodes attacked Booker T while he was heading to his announcer’s site. Booker was absent most of the show, until he attacked Rhodes while he took on Bryan on this past SmackDown, can you dig that sucka?

We had women’s wrestling in the WWE and Impact wrestling. In the WWE we saw a Divas tag team match between Kelly Kelly & Eve Torres vs. Beth Phoenix & Natalya. The match ended when Kelly Kelly rolled up Natalya for the 123. On Impact wrestling we saw two matches, in the first match we saw Mickie James defeat Madison Rayne. In the second match we saw Traci Brook vs. the Knockout Champion and one half of the knockout tag team champion; Gail Kim. Traci had her orders to lay down in the middle of the ring after the bell rang, from Karen Jarrett, but Traci had other ideas.  She attempted to take out Kim, but Madison Rayne attacked her from behind to give the win to Kim. The match was the worst match on Impact wresting and it was still more entertaining than the Divas Match on WWE.

Gunner lost another match again to Garett Bischoff on Impact wrestling. After Gunner suffer the lost he attempted to hit a “Piledriver” in the outside of the ring, and finally his father comes to his senses and stop Gunner before he can deliver that damaging move. In a typical Eric Bischoff double cross, he pulls the protective mat and then told Gunner to deliver the “Piledriver”. Why is Garett Bischoff getting air time?


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