Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Miz is next in line for the WWE title

Now that the Miz got rid of so some dead weight what is next for him? Well, I am hoping and praying that he will get a change to be in the main event WrestleMania 28. What am I saying, for the moment he is the only person at the level of CM Punk. The Miz is the biggest heel the WWE has right now, the fans hate him and love to watch him get his ass whooped. The WWE has showed that they have no faith in Alberto Del Rio as the WWE Champion for the time being. I can see Del Rio challenging Punk for the title in the next two Pay Per View, but I predict The Miz will win the Royal Rumble and challenge CM Punk for the WWE title, at the grandest stage of them all. The Miz has proven that he can hang with the best of them, Cena, Punk, and now The Rock. He has also made careers, John Morrison and R-Truth became better, because he was their tag team partners. The Miz is the only logical person to challenge CM Punk for the WWE Heavyweight Championship, but will the WWE put the title back on the Awesome one that is the question.

 - Harrington Bayas


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