Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Divas vs. Knockouts

Divas vs. Knockouts

The “Voting Booths” are closed and you the fans have voted that the WWE Divas are better wrestlers then the Impact Wrestling Knockouts. What the hell are you guys thinking, or better yet with what head are you guys thinking with? lol. The TNA Knockouts can out wrestle most of the Divas. Beth Phoenix, Natalya and Alicia Fox are the only Divas that can wrestle, in my opinion. Alicia Fox shows determination and her in-ring performance is getting better every time she steps into the ring. Yea I agree that the Divas look better physically, but they are models and in my opinion “Eye Candy”. I must admit that most of the Knockouts are former WWE Divas, but they are the ones that can actually wrestler and they can have an entertaining match. They are the females which the WWE views as has been or maybe even un-sexy and older, who knows what’s on their minds when they let these girls go. What I can say is that there is a demographic of people that enjoy older women, what they call MLIF or Cougars, not senior citizens like May Young, that’s just creepy.  Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, and Velvet Sky are the home grown talent, whom are gorgeous, sexy and can do their thing in the ring. They are talented females that will be the future of Impact Wrestling and/or TNA, who knows what they want to be called, now a day. So please let’s start thinking with our brain not our heads.        

-Harrington Bayas

Angelina Love, Madison Rayne, and Velvet Sky 


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