Monday, December 12, 2011

Zack Ryder in Connecticut

Zack Ryder w. The Wrestling Fans Review Crew
Hello again wrestling fans. Seven years ago a young boy was born his name was Harrington Ernesto Bayas. He is my son, ever since then I have tried to turn this young boy into a wrestling fan, and I have failed miserably. Until this past week, it all started when I bought WWE 12, and I saw a change in him. He picked the Woo Woo Woo Kid himself, Zack Ryder and he believes Ryder is the best guy in the game. My son found out that Ryder would be signing autographs in New York City. Once he found that I met him already, he looked at me with such a face full of disgust, and began to tell me that I have to make it up to him. So the plans were made to head to K&M All Star Sports. For some reason I believed this signing was in Long Island, but I was dead wrong, it was in Connecticut, actually it was 2 hours 30 minutes away. Like the great dad that I am, I packed my two children into the car and we headed down I95 into an unlighted road that had a look straight out of a horror movie. Throughout the entire car ride my son was debating on what to say to Ryder and when we get there he utter two words. The pricing was high in my opinion; the MVP ticket allowed us access to the front of the line, but they made us get onto the regular line, which pissed me off. I finally the mall security directed me to the head of the line and we got our photo signed and our picture taken. Over all I believe I will not attend any of their signing simply because they are really far from my home and in my opinion overpriced.

 -Harrington Bayas

Zack Ryder w. The Wrestling Fans Review Crew


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