Thursday, August 18, 2011

Monday Night Raw (August 15, 2011)

Monday night Raw was ok, I really expected more from the aftermath of SummerSlam, but all we got was a Kevin Nash, that couldn’t come up with a one liner to answer CM Punk. This was the best segment of the night, Punk went in on him. Punk called him out, on labeling the late great Eddie Guerrero a “Vanilla Midget”, on all his name changes
and how he doesn’t have a clue on “What’s good for Business”. This was a great promo, and again Punk carried another person.( Cena during the SummerSlam main event ) I am going to predict that a lot of old timers will come back like X-Pac, maybe even Scott Hall, no I am kidding with the whole Scott Hall thing, yea, maybe Road Dogg or Billy Gunn. In opinion this will make senses when Punk brings in the Independent Wrestlers to aid him.

Eye candy of night, Kelly Kelly & Eva Mendez faced off with the Bella Twins. The match was ok but they looked great in the ring.(I mean, they look hot)  After Kelly and Mendez gain the win over the Bella Twins, Beth & Natalya came out, they didn’t say anything, but Michael Cole said they are calling themselves the Divas of Destruction, what the hell is this crap. There isn’t a Divas Tag Team title. Girls, soon you will have to face each other in the middle of the squared circle.

During the whole night the WWE was playing small clips of the championship match in which Rey Mysterio won the titles, and I swore he was going to win the WWE Heavyweight Championship, but Alberto Del Rio got a clean win over Mysterio. This is important to me because if you look back while The Miz was champion most of his title defenses were won with outside interference. The match was good and it had high spots, the ending showed that Del Rio is a veteran wrestler and he knows his way around the ring. His title reign looks promising. I have read in the internet that Mysterio has suffered another injure, that will put him on shelf for a while. I believe that Rey Mysterio will be the one that beats Del Rio for the title, if you think about it Del Rio has Mysterio’s number. He lost to Del Rio in his SmackDown debut and now during his first title defense. It would make perfect senses if Mysterio beats Del Rio for the title, but in the world of wrestling being out of the ring for months can change your status in the pecking order, so by the time Mysterio is ready to come back the title will probably be back on Cena, waist. What we didn’t get to see after the Raw was that Cm Punk attacks Del Rio and pushes him back into the ring. Both Cena & Punk hit their finisher on Del Rio, which proves that Del Rio is being pushed as the top heel on Raw. We would like to hear from you, so please leave comments.

-Harrington Bayas
-The wrestling Fans Review
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