Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The fans have spoken again

Which of these Young WWE superstars, do you believe will be the greatest? That was the question I asked on our blog site about three month ago, you the fans voted for Sin Cara. He received 45% of the votes, which makes him the fans favorite to become the greatest superstar in the WWE. Sin Cara is a wrestler that has 13 years of experience in Japan and Mexico. He has held many titles all around the world, under the name Mistico. He was the biggest box office draw in Mexico, an equivalent to John Cena in the States. This guy is an already made wrestler, and the WWE has to change his name to Sin Cara, which mean “no face” when translated. I can’t help, but to think that by calling him “no face” dismisses all of his accomplishments which allows the WWE to take full credit for all and if any future achievements. Sin Cara was suspended for 30 day because he failed the WWE wellness policy. This was a major setback in my opinion; it will hurt him in the ring and backstage. I like this guy, but I have seen him in action and he makes tons of mistakes, which can be accounted for the language barrier or the inexperience of working in the States. Only time will tell if he can surpass the legacy of Rey Mysterio. I really believe he was brought in to WWE to replace Mysterio as the masked fan favorite. 

Alex Riley came in second place with 33% of the votes. I really don’t like this guy right now. I see him as John Cena replacement. Riley gained popularity by turning on The Miz earlier this year has not lost any steam. His in ring performance need work in my opinion, but he will become a star.

Dolph Ziggler was in third place with 27% of the votes, and in my opinion he is a true star. He has the look and the ability to become a world champion.

Drew Mcintyre and Zack Ryder are tied in forth places with 17% of the votes. Ryder should be in a higher ranking in my opinion.

These are rest of the results:
Justin Gabriel 12%
Jinder Mahal 6%
Johnny Curtis 4%
Yoshi Tatsu 3%
Heath Slater 1%

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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