Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monday Night Raw (August 29, 2011)

Monday night Raw started off with Triple H in the ring announcing that he is going to combine the two brands from now on. What does this mean to Raw & SmackDown, are we going to have one champion?
How fare is this to all the mid-card wrestlers? In my opinion this is good only for the fans because we are going to see all the WWE top stars in two shows. On the other hand the mid-card wrestlers like Ryder and Primo will not see the light of day, or should I say light of Raw. These guys will be stuck wrestling on Superstars or NXT.

Kevin Nash also had a major announcement; he was signed to a WWE contract by John Laurinaitis. This allows him to have a match with CM Punk at the Night of Champions, I thought having old wrestlers main event a PPV was a TNA thing I guess I was wrong. There are many dream matches I would like see, like Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. CM Punk or Chris Benoit vs. Daniel Bryan, but having them in a PPV is going too far. CM Punk is at the prime of his career and Nash is at the end of his, I can’t imagine this match being any good. Towards the end of the night Triple H announced that the match has been canceled and that Punk will face him at Night of Champions. This scenario make more sense to me, Triple H can bring out the best in CM Punk, I truly believe this match may save the Pay Per View.

The first match on Raw was a five star match, with one of the most over rated wrestler in the WWE Randy Orton and the future of the WWE Dolph Ziggler. This match was great; both men showed why they are employed by the best wrestling company in the world; they were pulling out all the stops in this match.  In the end the World Champion hits his “Diamond Cutter”, sorry I mean his RKO to win the match. The second match was another Pay Per View main event caliber match featuring CM Punk and the most under rated wrestler in the WWE, The Miz. The match was good and it ended when R-Truth interfered. Kevin Nash entered the ring and delivered a Jackknife power bomb, on Punk. I enjoyed the third match, Jack Swagger vs. Sin Cara. Guys the WWE always tries to pull a fast one over their fans, but who is buying that Sin Cara is still Luis Ignascio. The new Sin Cara is bigger and moves slower. The new guy under the mask is a wrestler that is working in FCW, his name is Hunico. He has replaced Ignascio before in Mexico, under the mask of Mistico. Swagger lost again, this guy can’t catch a break. I like Swagger’s character and I feel he can make his way back to the main event soon, right after he takes Vickie way from Ziggler.

-Harrington Bayas
-The Wrestling Fans Review
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