Friday, August 5, 2011

Monday Night Raw (August 1, 2011)

This past Monday night on Raw the WWE announced the main event for SummerSlam will be Champion vs. Champion, what a surprise. The two legitimate champions will meet head to head in order to determine the undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion.
Who will win this match between Cm Punk & John Cena? Punk is going to take this one, he is the wrestler that is going to lead the WWE to next level or should I say ear. I also have a strong feeling that Triple H is going to turn on Cena and become a greater heel then his father-in-law. Triple H is a wrestler first of all, and he’s going to do whatever is good for the business, in order to improve the WWE product. Triple H turning heel is the next logical step for this angel. Hopefully, after SummerSlam they will display a new WWE title.

On to the Eye candy of the night, there was a Divas Battle Royal, with the winner earning right to face Kelly Kelly for her WWE Divas Championship. Beth Phoenix wins the Battle Royal with her brutal strength throwing the Bella Twin over the top rope, after celebrating with Kelly, Phoenix took her out. Phoenix let it be known that she is going to bring credibility to the WWE women’s wrestling.

The best match of the night in opinion was Alberto Del Rio vs. Evan Bourne; Del Rio took out Bourne with his signature maneuver the Cross Armbreaker. This guy is on fire, he definitely is going to be a top superstar in the WWE. Another bright side to Raw was that we saw Zack Ryder in action. Santino & Ryder lost to the Tag Team Champions David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty. I am huge Ryder fan I want to see him to succeed on Raw, but I am also tired of McGillicutty. He should use his father last name (Henning) and compete as a third generation wrestler, look how great those two did. (Randy Orton & Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson) I am going to end this on a sour note, The Miz & R-Truth better not team up and attempt to capture championship goal. The Miz is the face of the WWE and shouldn’t be associated with the likes of R-Truth.

-Harrington Bayas
–The Wrestling Fans Review
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