Monday, March 26, 2012

The Four Horsemen ride into the WWE Hall of Fame (Part Two)

They are going to become members of the Hall of Fame symbolically this is the term I am using for certain members of the Four Horsemen,  Paul Roma will never be inducted as a singles competitor, and Chris Benoit career is no longer part of the history of the WWE. So this is the closet they we ever get to HOF.

Sting (1989–1990)

Sting joined the group when Arn Anderson made his returned from the WWF. He was picked for an angle, during this time Sting was the hottest babyface and he was going to face the World Champion, Ric Flair. So the group picked him as their fourth member in order to keep him away from the title. The fact that he was a member of the Horsemen didn’t stop him from wanting to become the World Champion,
so he was made an example, to all who opposed the Horsemen.  Sting wasn’t a Horseman for a long period of time, but they did have an epic feud, Sting vs. Ric Flair. Sting is an icon in the world of pro-wrestling; he will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame based on all of his accomplishments. Sting is a thirteen time World Champion, with the NWA, WCW, and TNA. The Question is, when will this happen? Some say when he joins the WWE and faces the Undertaker for the streak. I say he will sign a WWE Legends Contract, and then he will become a Hall of Famer.

Sid Vicious (1990–1991)

Sid Vicious was one of the larger members of the faction. He became a member after Sting was kicked out, but all of the members didn’t see him as a perfect fit to the group. Sid’s style of wrestling was unorthodox, and he was better as a single competitor. There is a story that was motion in the Horsemen DVD, about an incident concerning an actual fight between Sid and Arn, which landed both of them in the hospital with stab wounds. The DVD does not go in to details about the incident, but I have search the internet and came up with this explanation, from Wikipedia. I know that Wikipedia is not a reliable reference, but this is the only written story about this incident.  “During their United Kingdom tour on October 27, 1993, Sid was involved in a hotel room scuffle with Arn Anderson that resulted in both wrestlers stabbing each other with scissors. Both were rushed to the hospital, as Anderson suffered scissor stab wounds to the chest and stomach. Vicious stabbed Anderson twenty times, while being stabbed four times himself.” Sid was later released from WCW after several wrestlers threatened to walk out because of his actions. The reason that Anderson had this fight was because “he overheard Sid insulting his best friend Ric Flair”. The four times World Champion may become a Hall of Famer, because he actually did wrestle for the WWE. Sid had feuds with the Undertaker, Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage and Shawn Michaels.

Paul Roma (1993)

Ric Flair left WCW due to the fact that WCW and he did not come to terms for a new contract. He left WCW with the WCW World Heavyweight Championship title, and headed to the WWF. After a few months at the WWF, he made his return to the place he called home. The creative team wanted to reunite the Four Horsemen, and they needed a fourth member, and they came up with Paul Roma????? This guy was a jobber for superstars back in the early 80’s. Roma’s greatest accomplishment was teaming up with Hercules to form “Power and Glory”. Roma in my opinion was the worsts member of the faction. The only championship title he ever won was the WCW Tag Team Championship with Arn Anderson.

Brian Pillman (1995–1996)

Brian Pillman was picked by Arn Anderson & Ric Flair. Pillman was a former student of the Hart family “Dungeon” and began his wrestling career at Stampede Wrestling. He started his career as Flying Brian Pillman; he was a true high flyer. I can recall one of my favorite matches between Jushin Liger & himself in “Clash of the Champion” back in the late 80’s. They had so many high spots; it was an amazing match and if you can find it on YouTube watch the match. Pillman was a former two times WCW World Light Heavyweight Champion and NWA US Tag Team Champion, with Tom Zenk. Brain Pillman and Steve Austin became a successful tag team called the “Hollywood Blondes”. They captured NWA & WCW Tag Team Championship titles. The co-founders of the great’s faction in wrestling history handpicked Pillman to join the Four Horsemen, because they saw something in him.  His time with the group was short, because he was fired after he outed Kevin Sullivan as the “Booker” of WCW. Some say that this was an angle that Eric Bischoff and Pillman came up with to create heat to his “Loose Cannon” character. The plan was for Pillman to go to ECW and then return to WCW, but that back fired because he signed a contract with the WWE. 

Chris Benoit (1995–1997; 1998–1999)

Disclaimer: I am not condoling anything Chris Benoit did outside the ring, but I will speak about what he accomplished in the ring.

Chris Benoit was also a student of the Hart family “Dungeon” and he wrestled for Stu Hart’s Stampede Wrestling promotion as well. Benoit idolized the Dynamite Kid, and followed in his footsteps and wrestled in Japan under a mask just like the Dynamite kid did. Benoit’s name was the Pegasus Kid while he wrestled overseas. He returned to the States and joined WCW for a short period of time and then wrestled for Paul Heyman in ECW. While in ECW Benoit became known as the “Crippler”, because during a match he Suplex Sabu and actually broke his neck. He later returns to WCW in 1995 and became a “mid-carder”. He became a member of the Four Horsemen because Flair and the creative team enjoyed his in-ring performance.  While in the faction he captured the WCW Tag Team titles with his partner Dean Malenko. They both left the group and joined another faction known as the Revolution lead by Shane Douglas. Benoit finally received the opportunity he hungered for, he wrestled former member of the Horsemen, Sid Vicious for the WCW World title, and he won it. WCW put the title on him because they didn’t want him to jump ship and signed a contract with the WWE. This back fired on WCW, because Benoit did in fact sign with the WWE and he became the only man to leave a wrestling organization as champion to join another. Benoit went on to capture many titles in the WWE and WCW. He was a five time US champion (WCW/WWE), a two time TV Champion for WCW, a four time IC Champion in WWE, a six time Tag Team champion (WWE/WCW), a Royal Rumble Winner and a Two Time World Champion (WCW/WWE). In my opinion Chris Benoit was a perfect fit for the group, wrestling style was intense and he clearly made me believe he can take out any opponent place in front of him no matter their size.

Steve "Mongo" McMichael (1996–1999)

Here we go again, with another member that didn’t make any sense, to me. Steve McMichael was a former defensive lineman for the 1985 Super Bowl champion, the Chicago Bear. McMichael joined the broadcast team for WCW, during this time Ric Flair began to hit on his wife, Debra.  McMichael challenged him to a wrestling match. Flair accepted the challenge, but requested the bout to become a tag team match, of course Anderson will be Flair’s partner. McMichael recruited former Carolina Panthers Kevin Green as his partner. The match was set for The Great American Bash. McMichael hit Green with a brief case and there you had it another goof becomes a member of the greatest faction in wrestling history. He captured the WCW United States Championship Title while a Horsemen.

Curt Hennig (1997)

Mr. Perfect was the perfect fit for the Four Horsemen, but they only used Curt Hennig to humiliate the group. In 1997 Hennig signed with WCW, he was the mystery partner for Diamond Dallas Page, and like the great heel he is, Hennig turned on DDP. Hennig took over the “Enforce Spot” that was previously held by Arn Anderson, in the Horsemen. A match between the NOW & the Four Horsemen was booked for War Games. During the PPV we witnessed a hideous attack on Hennig which left his arm in a sling. This was all a part of the NOW’s master plan, Hennig turned on his fellow Horsemen members and joined the NWO. Hennig was a two time IC Champion for the WWF, he also held the US title while in WCW and  he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2007.

Jeff Jarrett (1997)

Jeff Jarrett is the founder of TNA, but most people don’t recall that he was once a member of the Four Horsemen. Jeff Jarrett became a member of the Four Horsemen after defeating Chris Benoit, in 1997. While still a member of the Horsemen, Jarrett captured the US Championship title. He then began a feud with Steve "Mongo" McMichael, who also was a member of the Horsemen. He eventually lost the US title to Mongo, and left WCW for the WWE because his contract was done. He is a second generation wrestler and has achieved success in every promotion he has worked in. Jarrett is recognized as an 11 time world champion. He has held the (1)NWA title six times, the WCW title four times, and the AAA title once. Even thou, he has never captured the WWE World title; he has held various Championships in the WWE, including the Intercontinental Championship title and the European Championship title. In order for Jarrett to become a member of the WWE Hall of Fame he has to leave the company he helped built, TNA, but I can’t see him leaving anytime soon; this will be a symbolical induction in my eyes.
(1)The TNA World Title was known as the NWA World title.

Dean Malenko (1998–1999)

Dean Malenko was a member of another faction that was a favorite of mine, the Triple Threat; alone side Chris Benoit and Shane Douglas. Malenko earned the nickname (2)“The Man of 1,000 Holds” because of his technical skills in the ring. He was a perfect fit for the group, in my opinion, but he became a member in the later years of the Four Horsemen legacy. He became a WCW Tag Team Champion, with his friend Benoit, while a member of the group. They both left the group and joined their old friend Shane Douglas, in a group called the “Revolution”. Eventually Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn & himself left WCW and joined the WWE, as the “Radicalz”.  Malenko captured the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship title, from Essa Rios; he went on to hold this title on two separate occasions. He will eventually enter the WWE Hall of Fame, because of the work he has done for company behind the sense. But when they induct the Horsemen on March 31, 2012, I will invasion all of the Horsemen on stage holding up their Four Fingers. Diamonds are forever and so are the Horsemen, Wooooooooooo!

(2) Chris Jericho stole that nickname and changed it to The Man of 1004 Holds.

Harrington Bayas


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