Friday, March 2, 2012

Ernesto’s DVD Review of - The Rock; The Epic Journey of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson

Hello wrestling fans. Finally, The Rock has made a biography DVD!! WWE The Epic Journey of Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson is the latest installment to my collection of WWE DVDs. My favorite, kind of wrestling DVDs are the autobiographical ones. I've always loved wrestling and to have a "behind the scenes" look at it just fascinates me. Learning and listening to a certain superstar's journey gives me a broad look to the man behind the character. Going through The Rock's timeline brought back so many memories. My brother and I were at Madison Square Garden, the night Rocky Maivia made his WWE debut on Survivor Series 1996. Not to mention, we were at MSG last year when The Rock made his comeback after seven years away from the ring at Survivor Series 2011. I grew up watching Rocky's whole wrestling career. I was cheering for him ever since 1996. But it wasn’t until he became a member of the Nation of Domination that The Rock was born and his charisma started to show. You just could not help but love the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. I've mentioned before that he was one of the pioneers of the Attitude Era. His promos and matches were always wonderful and entertaining to watch. He had this way with words that made everyone listen. I think he's made more catchphrases that any other superstar ever.

The feud between The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the greatest feuds. They've headlined WrestleMania for a record, three times. There is no doubt that The Rock is one of the greats, but I must be very honest, I still believe he's a sell-out. The night Brock Lesnar beat him for the WWE Undisputed Championship; the crowd was yelling "YOU SOLD OUT! YOU SOLD OUT!" He left to make movies. He then comes back and made a huge impact. He came back as a heel and told the crowd to shine it up real nice, turn that sumbitch sideways and stick it straight up their candy asses. Then he left again. Makes another comeback for WrestleMania XX, but then leaves again. Seven years later, finally The Rock has come back, home. He now claims that he's back and is never leaving again. Claims he never left. As myself, I’m happy he's back and I respect Dwayne Johnson and everything he's done. As a wrestling fan, I can’t help but feel betrayed. The seven year absence makes me want to cheer for John Cena next month at WrestleMania. The truth is Cena is the top guy in WWE. Just like Andre the Giant did for Hulk Hogan, and Hogan did for The Rock, The Rock has to "pass the torch" to John Cena. Whether Cena turns heel or stays a baby face, he will still be the poster boy until someone else comes along. The Rock also explains that he felt he's done it all in WWE and that’s why he decided to make it in Hollywood. So if he has "done it all" then he has no reason to win at WrestleMania. Cena is here and has never left. If The Rock cares as much about the company as he says he does, he will job for Cena. On that note, the DVD is a must see for the millions, AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans, and I cannot wait to see what happens at WrestleMania 28.

Ernesto Heleno Jr.


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