Monday, March 19, 2012

War of Words III

John Cena came to the ring in his old school ring attire, wearing a Cleveland Cavaliers jersey and his Chain around his neck.  The Doctor of Thuganomics hits Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson with a couple of low blows. He brought up The Rocks boobie surgery, whoa, Cena went in hard. Cena said The Rocks chest has had more work done than a locker room full of WWE divas, that shit was hilarious. He talked about giving the Rock a gift, a "Cleveland Steamer",
now for those who don’t know what a “Cleveland Steamer” is, Google it, you will find it disturbing. Cena and I are waiting for a week to go by without seeing  The Rock choke. Cena is the face of the WWE; he is the top guy for the company, so trust me when I say he is good on the mic. (He just sucks ass in the ring) Cena’s rapping style is horrible, but the jokes are great.

The Rock came back with a song of his own, it was fine, but he just used the same jokes he has used since this war began. I didn't hear any creativity in his lyrics, but he got the fans involved and the crowd was one sided, they loved him on that night. The best joke given by The Rock was probably the one that said Cena loves rectal exams, and that Cena, mom can’t walk after spending one night with The Rock. He did snap at the adult John Cena fans, telling them that they are 42 year old virgins and that they will never eat “pie”, that was funny. I have to admit that The Rock is an entertainer and he did just that entertain, so I call this one a draw, Cena - 3, The Rock – 1.

Harrington Bayas


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