Friday, October 7, 2011

Hulk Hogan vs. Sting

Hulk Hogan back
after his last surgery
Hulk Hogan was going to retire on Impact Wrestling, and I for one would have been happy if such an amazing career came to an end on the mic rather than in the ring. As I predicted months ago, the main event for Bond for Glory was going to be ‘The Icon’ Sting, in his joker costume, vs. ‘The Immortal’ Hulk Hogan and I was right again, this match is going to down, folks. If Hogan loses the match to the Stinger, he will give control of Impact Wrestling back to Dixie Carter. I want everyone to understand that I get goose bumps very time I see the Hulkster walk down the ramp, but Impact Wrestling is expecting the fans to buy this Pay Per View, because of this main event, I don’t think so. Hulk Hogan is a 58 year old man and he has had 9 back surgeries, yes folks I said 9 back surgeries. We all saw the last match between Sting & Flair a couple of weeks ago. That match was horrible, because they both don’t move as well as they use to. I will buy this PPV for the World Championship match, Bobby Roode vs. Kurt Angle, the X Division Championship match between Austin Aries & Brian Kendrick and even the I Quit Match with AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels.  I can’t speak for many fans, but I can say this if you want to see these guys wrestle at their best watch this.


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