Friday, March 29, 2013

The Wrestlers You Should Keep Your Eyes On For 2013! Part One

Hello again wrestling fans. It’s 2013 and there are new faces in the WWE Roster. One of our followers (Rod Heath) gave me his picks for the top young wrestlers in WWE. He mentioned three wrestlers that he believes can be the future and/or the World Champion. I am going to give you my top three picks of 2013. These are my picks for the young talents you should keep your eyes on; Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow, and the Prime Time Players.

Antonio Cesaro is our United States Champion. He defeated Santino Marella, at the 2012, SummerSlam PPV. He is currently the sixth longest reigning United States Champion, with 270 days and counting. I can honestly say he has brought back the US title to its former glory. He is following in so many great wrestlers’ footsteps by holding such a prestige Championship title. Many wrestlers that held the US title have gone on to become World & WWE Champions, such as Steve Austin, and Ric Flair. He is not new to the business; he is formerly known as Claudio Castagnoli. He was part of the “Kings of Wrestling” tag team. Along with Chris Hero they became two-times ROH tag team champions. Towards the ending of last year we saw him in a feud with The Miz, which was pretty good. We have also seen Cesaro wrestle the top guys on Monday Night Raw. This guy is the one to watch for in 2013.

Damien Sandow’s gimmick is great. His ring entrance is one of my favorite and when he gets on the mic, magic happens. The blue robe and the towel around the neck is “Old School”, extremely cool. When he joined Cody Rhodes, they created one of the best tag team of today, Team Rhode Scholars. But if he stays with his tag team partner he will not become a huge single competitor. I can see him going after Alberto Del Rio or even John Cena in order to make a name for him-self. This is his second run in the WWE. In 2006, he made his debut as Idol Stevens, and was quickly sent back to then WWE’s developmental territory OVW. He has held the OVW Heavyweight Championship title twice; this means he is not a stranger to the main event spot light.  2013 can be his year! “You’re Welcome”

The Prime Time Players are my favorite tag team in the WWE, right now. They are entertaining and they can actually wrestle. Titus O’Neil and Darren Young will make “Millions of Dollars” if they keep it up. I do believe they need each other and they shouldn’t split up. They remind me of old school tag teams like Tully Blencher and Arn Anderson, minus the comedy. PTP can bring back the Tag Team division to its former glory. So I will keep my eyes on this team.

The Question is which are your top three rookies for 2013?  facebook page.

Harrington Bayas


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