Monday, March 25, 2013

Colt Cabana & The Art of Wrestling

            Hello again wrestling fans. Today I want to talk about Colt Cabana, many of you may know of him, but for those who don’t “let me put you on”. Mr. Cabana is an independent wrestler that hosts a weekly podcast that all wrestling fans should listen to. He was under contract with the WWE; his in ring name was Scotty Goldman. For those that don’t remember him, click here. Oh, did I forget to mention that his best friend’s name is CM Punk. 

The podcast is called The Art of Wrestling. What makes this podcast stand out from all the rest, you may ask yourself? The fact is that all of the special guests on the podcast are his friends, and fellow peers. This makes the show amazing in my opinion. The interview comes across like two old friends chatting over a beer, very casual. I will not go into full details of the interviews, but they are very eye opening conversations. My personal favorite podcasts are the ones that feature, New Jack, Tomasso Ciampa, Jake Roberts, William Regal and now Hillbilly Jim. They go into full details of what it takes to make it in this wild and crazy business called wrestling.

I have met Clot Cabana, and he is a class act. Cabana was in The Big Event 3, and if I can be honest with you, I went to this convention just to meet him not the main guest. Yeah the convention had Shawn Michaels as the special guest, but after hearing all of those podcast, I felt that it would be cool to meet him in person. You really need to take some time and listing to The Art of Wrestling, I guarantee you will enjoy it. Until next time, see you on the line.

Harrington Bayas


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